G-Code Example Program

Learning G-code is much easier when you can see it in action. This example program will walk you through a simple G-code script that moves a CNC tool to cut a square. Along the way, we’ll explain each command so you can understand how it all works.


Create a square with sides of 50 mm, starting at the origin (0, 0), using a CNC machine. The tool will move to the starting position, cut the square, and then return to the home position.

Example G-Code Program

Here’s the complete program:

G21           ; Set units to millimeters
G90           ; Use absolute positioning
G17           ; Select XY plane for cutting
G00 X0 Y0 Z5  ; Rapid move to the starting position above the material
M03 S1000     ; Start spindle clockwise at 1000 RPM
G01 Z-1 F100  ; Lower the tool into the material
G01 X50 Y0    ; Cut to the first corner of the square
G01 X50 Y50   ; Cut to the second corner
G01 X0 Y50    ; Cut to the third corner
G01 X0 Y0     ; Return to the starting point
M05           ; Stop the spindle
G00 Z5        ; Raise the tool above the material
G28           ; Return to the home position
M30           ; End program

Step-by-Step Explanation

1. Setup Commands

  • G21: Sets the units to millimeters. If your machine uses inches, replace this with G20.
  • G90: Enables absolute positioning, meaning all coordinates are measured from the origin (0, 0).
  • G17: Selects the XY plane for cutting operations.

2. Move to the Starting Position

  • G00 X0 Y0 Z5: Moves the tool rapidly to X=0, Y=0, and Z=5. The tool is positioned above the material, ready to start cutting.

3. Start the Spindle

  • M03 S1000: Starts the spindle spinning clockwise at 1000 RPM. Adjust the speed (S1000) depending on your material and tool.

4. Lower the Tool

  • G01 Z-1 F100: Lowers the tool to a depth of -1 mm (cutting depth) at a feed rate of 100 mm/min. The tool is now ready to cut.

5. Cut the Square

  • G01 X50 Y0: Moves the tool in a straight line to X=50, Y=0, cutting the first side of the square.
  • G01 X50 Y50: Moves to X=50, Y=50, cutting the second side.
  • G01 X0 Y50: Moves to X=0, Y=50, cutting the third side.
  • G01 X0 Y0: Returns to X=0, Y=0, completing the square.

6. End the Program

  • M05: Stops the spindle.
  • G00 Z5: Raises the tool to a safe height above the material.
  • G28: Sends the tool back to the home position.
  • M30: Marks the end of the program.

Customizing the Program

You can modify this program for different shapes or dimensions:

  • Change the Size: Adjust the X and Y coordinates to create rectangles or other shapes.
  • Depth of Cut: Modify the Z value to increase or decrease the cutting depth.
  • Feed Rate and Spindle Speed: Adjust F (feed rate) and S (spindle speed) to suit different materials or tools.

360 Key Takeaways

  • G-code programs are made up of commands like G00 (rapid movement) and G01 (cutting movement).
  • Always include setup commands like G21 (units) and G90 (positioning) at the start of your program.
  • Testing with simple shapes like squares helps you understand tool movements and program flow.
  • Use comments (e.g., ;) to annotate your code and make it easier to read.


Writing G-code programs is a valuable skill for CNC operators, and starting with simple examples like this square-cutting program is a great way to learn. Practice tweaking the parameters, and you’ll quickly gain confidence in creating your own programs. Happy machining!